Wednesday 15 November 2017

Inducing Labour

I was asked to give a Shiatsu treatment to a friend who was overdue and who told me that they had tried all the old wives suggestions to get the birth going but to no avail.  I treated my friend and included all the points I had avoided during her pregnancy envisioning the Ki moving downwards through the body.  I felt some really buzzing ki in the pelvic area.  By 3am the next morning labour had started.  Amazing stuff this Shiatsu.  I wish I had known about it when I gave birth - I was induced after being two weeks over my due date - pumped full of Oxytocin which launched my body into overdrive with it all happening way to quickly.  Surely we should try every natural way possible before going down the chemical route.  A couple of the points I used are in the diagrams below.

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Interview for The Wendy Centre - a brilliant bunch of people.

Check out this interview with The Wendy Centre Collective's awesome Kerry Lowes who is a Shiatsu Practitioner, Forest School Leader, Permaculture Designer & Bee Keeper.
What are your Core Values?
I see human beings as part of nature rather than apart therefore if we harm nature we are harming ourselves.
Equality of opportunity – not dependent upon class or income.
What are you passionate about?
Connecting to nature – if I don’t do this my health suffers.
Outdoor learning – this should be the norm for children of all ages as they need access to nature’s classroom to develop a love, respect, connection and empathy for the natural world. Where would we be without it?
Permaculture – it has taught me so much and just makes sense.
Shiatsu – we are more than the physical and it is another way of people connecting to the natural world. We need to start with people care.
What is your well-being weakness?
My sweet tooth - something a lot of people struggle with, sugar. However, in true permaculture fashion I’ve turned the problem into the solution and use natural honey (unfortunately some people feed sugar to bees instead of leaving them with enough of their own honey to get through winter), eat dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 80% and above and enjoy it.
How are you involved in THRIVE?
With Fran Smith I will be running an Introduction to Shiatsu workshop on Saturday October 14 th at the Wendy Centre,
Any change has to come from within and to do this we often need to look at our own body’s health system. Shiatsu is a physical therapy that supports and strengthens the body’s natural ability to heal and balance itself. It works on
the whole person – not just with the physical but also with the psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects. I’ll also be running some discounted introductory treatment sessions throughout October at the Wendy Centre.
For the big finale of THRIVE on Saturday 29 th October I will be on the Wendy Centre table discussing Shiatsu but I will also be on a table with Brendan McDowell called ‘The Ki’. This is a new and exciting project combining health
and well-being, growing organic local food and Forest Schools. If this issomething you’d be interested in then please come and talk to us.
Why did you join the Wendy Centre Collective?
My own health and well-being is something I’ve struggled with. It’s only through connecting with others who shared their knowledge and skills that I am now in a better place. As such I would like to pass on those skills and knowledge to
others and the Wendy Centre gave me the opportunity to do this.
What are your visions for the future of the Wendy Centre?
My vision - The Wendy Centre is a successful health hub for the city and a model that is rolled out to other communities across the UK / Internationally where individuals create their own ‘natural health system’. I’ve worked on this myself looking at spirals of decline in my own health system and how I could turn these into spirals of abundance. I’m not saying we don’t need western medicine but we can create opportunities for everyone to be able to be more in tune and
in control of their own systems.
If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?
It has to be that people see themselves as intrinsically linked to the natural systems. Whatever they do to harm our natural systems has a direct impact upon their own health and well-being. If this was the case we would live in communities that put cyclists and pedestrians first, generate their own green energy, strive to produce no waste, have forest schools as the norm allowing each and every child to connect with
nature as the heart of all learning, grow their own food, plant forest garden cities full of organic natural food, celebrate the natural rhythms of life as communities who come together to share food, skills, knowledge, music and laughter, harvest rainwater, develop science and technological innovation that
supports and works with nature, create eco-friendly self-build projects so that everyone can have a home that doesn’t cost the earth but instead produces it’s own energy and as a bee keeper lots of natural bee-keeping as bees once again
return to their healthy state. Get the idea?
What’s your vision for the future?
I think the above covers it.
If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?
A bullshit detector – every time someone says for example ‘oh fracking is safe and necessary’ the bullshit detector goes on display and everyone can see that they’re full of it so they can no longer get away with it thus eliminating bullshit
altogether eventually. If they continue with the bullshit then they get composted! Not sure how organic that would be though!
What is your top health, well-being or empowerment tip?
Go visit nature. A walk in woodland is best. They call it forest bathing in Japan. Trees are amazing things and very healing.
Sun or Moon and why?
Such a simple question yet so tricky. I love the moon and all its influences with regard to planting and the tidal systems. However, I do not do well in winter so for me it has to be Sun. Having lived in Latin America for nine years, Spain for
two and Japan for one, where the sun was a lot more intense, I know that I really do function at my best with plenty of sun. x

Saturday 28 October 2017

THRIVE - Festival of Health, Well-being and Empowerment

A great event tomorrow at the Polish Centre in Derby.  I will be giving 10 minute seated Shiatsu sessions in return for donations to The Wendy Centre.
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Friday 13 October 2017

THRIVE - health, empowerment and well-being festival

At the Wendy Centre tomorrow myself and Fran Smith will be hosting an introduction to Shiatsu free for the community.  Come along and find out how to get the family to really chill.

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Tuesday 10 October 2017

Shiatsu Health Point

I am really impressed with Shiatsu Health Point. After joining, within a few days I had received a phone call from Samantha who the very next day produced an outline of where I was at with my Shiatsu practice based upon our conversation and a Plan of Action for us both. I feel that I have my own business consultant and marketing manager. Thank you Samantha.


Monday 9 October 2017

THRIVE - Health, Wellbeing and Empowerment Festival

This is an amazing month of events for the THRIVE - Health, Wellbeing and Empowerment month.  The grand finale will be an amazing celebration of the skills and resources we have in Derby that we can all benefit from.  Please put it in the diary and come along and see us.

Saturday 7 October 2017

THRIVE - Health, Well-being and Empowerment Festival

All this month there will be a series of events on offer in Derby including an Introduction to Shiatsu morning at The Wendy Centre on Wilson Street.  Do come along and find out more about how you can use this hands on pressure to improve the health and well-being of you, your family and friends.

Friday 30 June 2017

Wednesday 24 May 2017

The 'Ki' to sustainability.

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”Ghandi

I am excited to hear that the Shiatsu Society are going to publish my article linking Shiatsu and Permaculture - it's called 'The 'Ki' to Sustainability.'

Use this link to find out more about Permaculture.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Image result for lemn sissay desert island discs

Inspiring man and beautiful words. On Desert Island Discs.  

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Self-Ampuku or self massage

Interesting what Carola says about her appendix scar as my daughter often complains about hers.  Super important to take of ourselves.

Image result for carola shiatsu wales

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Book and DVD arrived

The book and DVD was given to me at my Qigong class last night - now I just have to get the DVD player!
Image result for YI jin jing qigong

Sunday 12 February 2017

Qigong - Energy arts for the body.

I have been attending qigong classes - twice a week at the moment to catch up with others who have been going for longer.  I didn't think I would be able to muster the energy after a day at work but I have to say I really enjoy it and feel positive for it.  Attending to my own health is very important as a Shiatsu Practitioner.
More about Qigong can be found here:-

Wednesday 8 February 2017

What is your Ikigai? - What is your reason for being?

I have spent a bit of time wonder what my ikigai is.  What kept coming up was health.  Health of myself but equally if not more importantly health of the planet.  This may seem quite daunting but I follow Permaculture Principles and one of these is small and slow solutions - I am starting with my own backyard and creating habitat space for different creatures, feeding the soil and getting ready to plant spring seeds.  I have a pond digging party date set for Saturday 25th February.

Friday 13 January 2017

The sleepy point of shiatsu!!

A nice bit of shiatsu to end the day!!
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Just some lovely pictures


This woman is unbelievable!!!                         Image result for lavender

I can't use age as an excuse when on a go slow!!!  I have been doing the 30 day yoga challenge to get my health on track and definitely would recommend it.  Here is the link .. 

Shiatsu and Permaculture - an obvious combination.

Have a look at Applewood Permaculture. The three ethics of Permaculture are People Care, Earth Care and Fare Share - I think it is very clear where the link with Shiatsu comes.