Monday 8 January 2018

5 Element Healing Program

Why is it that in times of stress or emotional turmoil we look for the mountains, forests, rivers, desert, and seashore? Why does nature give us a sense of well-being and serenity? What is it that draws us to these natural environments?
The answer is simply that at our core we are nature. We are part of these natural systems and the energy that runs through them runs through us. When we forget that we are nature we suffer. This simple, yet profound, realisation that we are part of the natural world is at the heart of the Five Element System of Chinese medicine which form the basis of The Ki’s 5 Element Healing Program run at woodland on an organic farm in Derbyshire.
Mental ill-health is on the rise and in England it is estimated that in any one year at least 1 in 4 people will experience a ‘significant’ mental health problem. The Ki – 5 Element Healing Program uses the Five Element System as a beacon that we can use to illuminate our path towards taking charge of our own health and well-being, especially when our path appears to be unclear or blocked with obstacles. The program emphasises the unity that we share with the natural world. Its teachings give us a way to understand our lives in the larger context.   When we have the experience of being part of the natural world we feel at peace.  By remembering who we are we can begin healing ourselves and the world around us.
The Five Elements are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. These elements were the way the ancient Chinese saw the world (macrocosm). The early masters realised that these elements were also within us (microcosm). One of the laws explaining the Five Elements is the Law of Mother-Child or the Sheng cycle. This cycle illustrates how each element is connected to the other elements in a never ending cycle of Birth-Growth-Harvest-Death-Rebirth. This cycle is clearly manifested in the external world by the seasons. Wood-Spring (Birth) feeds the Fire of Summer (maturation) creates the Earth-Late Summer (Harvest). Out of Earth comes Metal-Fall (Dying back, letting go) continuing on to Water-Winter (Quiet Rebuilding Reservoirs), which
goes on to support wood.
The power and relevance of the Five Element System is that it places us in the reality of ever changing nature and the cycle of life and death. Through our immersion in nature at any season we experience life springing forth and life dying back. We are part of this system.  The greater our acceptance of this fact the greater our experience of peace and serenity. 
It is in our nature to seek out the natural world. Our connection to it is non-verbal, oftentimes unconscious and always profound. Nature directs our behaviour. Remembering that we are part of the natural world which is the most important step we can take.  It is as vital as the food we eat and the air we breathe for our own personal health and well-being.  
Every person is characterised by one of these elements or seasons (or a combination of them). In our life cycle we travel through different phases - corresponding to different elements. Each season with its own rhythm.  While all five elements are present in every person, one or a blend of two or three elements are dominant and form the personal rhythm. This tells us a great deal about that individual's health challenges, personality and spiritual journey.Each element has certain strength and certain vulnerabilities.  When one element is excessively strong or weak, physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances may occur. 
The Forest School Leaders and Shiatsu Practitioners running this course provide opportunities for people to experience each element in their natural surroundings and to become more in-tune with the natural rhythms and cycles. This program provides opportunities for a reconnection to nature and an exploration of the 5 elements in ways that are harmonious with your being.
Fire - will be explored as we light our own campfires using traditional methods and cook seasonal foods.  Sitting by the fire or in the sun we will feel the warmth of this element and how it opens you up, opens your heart to be filled once again with love and joy. Creativity around the fire allows heartaches to begin healing and space to experience love for yourself and for all the world.

Earth - to interact with nature we must first be grounded and centred – touching the earth we connect to the planet and in bring awareness to this connection we appreciate our dependence on her.  Taking the time to explore the space and objects such as trees and stones we will feel the energies of the different spaces and the body sense that they evoke.  Familiarising ourselves with the structures we can explore how they impact on us bodily playing and interacting with them.  Walking bare foot upon the earth or lying down allows us to re-establish a connection with the Earth’s energy so that healing can begin.  Planting and foraging among the abundance hedgerows and forests allows us to experience the generous beauty of our "Mother".

Metal - working with metal tools such as the axe, saw or knives to create art and craft objects or to manage the woodland or create a shelter allows us to develop our sense of self-worth as we develop skills that are being lost and forgotten.  Using the tools and green wood to create objects of beauty to take away with us allows us to experience the purity and essence of metal. Imagine the vast quantities of earth needed to extract the rare flecks of these metals. Metal allows us to realise the importance of quality and essence in our lives.

Water- placing our feet in water and feeling it run over our skin as we explore the abundant habitats in the streams and pools or listening to the sound it makes running through the woodland and meadows or the rain falling through the canopy of the trees we observe how the land holds the water and how it has been carved by it.  Water forms a part of our life that we can at times take for granted. But no life could exist without it. Water grants us the ability to flow, to replenish the reservoirs, and to wash clean. It is fearless and patient wearing down the hardest rock and flowing everywhere.  It allows us to reflect on our life journey and where we want that journey to go next.

Wood - observing plant life, from the smallest sprout to the tallest oak tree, all with energy to grow and move upward we are encouraged to examine our own spirals of decline and abundance asking the questions; where am I frustrated and thwarted in my life? Where have I grown and where do I need to grow?  Where is my energy leaking out of the system?  Where can that energy be harnessed?

A wonderfully nourishing practice to heal through nature is to bring our awareness both to our five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch) and to the five great elements. Finding time each day to direct attention toward our senses in the context of the five great elements allows us to more fully appreciate our lives. Since our mind-body system is a unified, giving our attention and appreciation to this experience allows balance and healing to emerge.